

Our hygienists are the best in their field at removing unhealthy bacteria, plaque, and calculus from the oral cavity. We offer cleanings at different levels to fit your specific needs, and our hygiene team offers instruction and products to bring out the best in your smile.


Benich Dental offers multiple restorative options including fillings, crowns, and bridges. We aim to remove decayed tooth structure and rebuild a strong healthy dentition. We offer cosmetic bonding and esthetic crowns at affordable prices to restore confidence in your smile.


We specialize in making you feel as comfortable as possible when it comes to having teeth extracted. Whether its a single tooth, multiple teeth, or specific wisdom teeth, we will make sure you are well informed and prepared to have the best experience possible.


We make full dentures in our office in an extremely efficient manner and have for over 50 years. Whether or not its your first set of false teeth or a new set, we will assist you through the process and make it as easy as possible. We can re-fit dentures affordably and adjustments are always free to ensure you are happy with your new set of teeth.


It is generally always better to save as many natural teeth as possible. If you are missing some teeth or need to have some teeth removed, we can make a partial denture to add teeth where needed. We make three different types of partials and will help you determine which is best for you.


Benich Dental offers implant solutions to replace missing teeth or to aid in the retention of dentures. At your initial implant consultation, our team will determine where we’re able to successfully place dental implants to complete your smile.